Saturday, May 3, 2008

Internet Skill +1

Well, I've done it. After about a half gallon of Earl Grey, (made the special Irish Way) I have finally conquered the internet gods a bit and learned how to do the Links To Other Interesting Things thing. What a pain. Why can't they just make a one button clicky type thing for those of us over the age of 15? Grrr. My kids can really whoop this stuff that often leaves me shakin' my head in awe and wonder.

Okay, maybe not awe and wonder. Maybe its delirium brought on by lack of sleep and too much tea. Either way, It still makes you feel funny. Hrrmm, lessee, what else.....Oh! I remember! My kids have begged and cried until I decided to play Rock Band with them. As a musician all my life, I balked at first, but let me tell you, this game is downright FUN! There I said it! FUN!

It has a semi realistic set of virtual drums, that approximates a real drum set, complete with foot pedal and wooden drum sticks. Sadly, no cymbals though. Anyway, add to this a pretty decently built plastic copy of a Fender Stratocaster complete with whammy bar, and a microphone, and you've got yourself many hours of hard rocking joy! I firmly suggest that you try it at least once, young or old.

It also has a pretty good song list, with a lot more downloadable from XBOX Live. Songs range from really good old 60's, 70's, & 80's Classic Rock, to 90's and later craptastic stuff that the kids have been told is really music today. Oh well, the kids are at me, and Mississippi Queen by Mountain is playing, so I'm off. Never thought a game could help you bond with the kids, but its getting them interested in music like I never could.

Oh, be sure to check out Barry's Teas for some Irish Goodness. Later Y'all.


1 comment:

Cybrludite said...

Bah. Kids today are lost without a WYSIWYG interface to do their HTML coding. Back in the day, we had text editors & a book of hypertext commands. And we were thankful to have that! BRB, there's some punks out on my lawn...